Gain +1 mobility and +10 critical chance for 3 turns after a kill. Killing an enemy makes this soldier see red and gives them a hunger for more alien blood. Soldier gets +10 aim against flanked targets. Your gear includes layers of extra padding and blast plates, granting a bonus point of Armor and 50% less damage from explosive attacks. Hunker Down increases your Psi Offense by 10 and your Will by 10 for 2 turn(s). Knocking out targets, picking up or dropping bodies does not cost an action point and do not end your turn. Gain +3 mobility, +15 dodge, -5 aim, -10 critical chance. While this makes them more agile than our other soldiers, their skill with weapons is lacking. This soldier used to be a professional athlete and is still in peak physicial condition. Gains 1 frag grenade on each mission, and +2% critical chance bonus based on how many people can see this soldier. 50% reduced hostile civilian detection rate and has -3 tiles reduced detection range on city maps.įed up with ADVENT, fed up with the government.